Archive for ottobre, 2013

ottobre 23rd, 2013 - 14:57 § in Iraq

In memory of a young friend. In memoria di un giovane amico

  Last February, when me and Licia were in Nasiriyah for the courses organized in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Baghdad, a group of young students of the College of Media came to visit us and asked whether it was possible for them to shoot a documentary film on our work in Abu Tbei[...]

ottobre 18th, 2013 - 11:24 § in Iraq

The Marshlands: A Day to Be Remembered for the Whole Life… Le Marshland: una giornata da ricordare per tutta la vita…

 With the help of our good friends Dhaher, who is in charge of our safety when we work in Nasiriyah, and Amir the team made on October the 17th an expedition to the marshes in the area of Chubaish.  [...]

ottobre 15th, 2013 - 19:24 § in Iraq

Attenzione prego, c’è una macchina che deve essere spostata… Attention please, there is a car that must be moved…

 This is the way cars are moved in Nasiriyah… Bravi shebab!  [...]

ottobre 12th, 2013 - 19:42 § in Scavo e dintorni

Something to be very proud of…Qualcosa di cui essere molto orgogliosi…

  Yesterday, in the premise and under the auspices of the Writers’ Union in Nasiriyah, the Governor of Dhi Qar, HE Dr Yahya Al-Nasri, the Authorities of the Provincial Council and of the SBAH organized a ceremony in order to celebrate the two prizes, which the Italian-Iraqi Archaeological[...]

ottobre 7th, 2013 - 18:00 § in Scavo e dintorni

Craving for pizza… Voglia di Pizza

 As-salamu alaykum! We are in Iraq since only 2 weeks… and we are already craving for Pizza!! So, let’s try the Iraqi one!  [...]

ottobre 6th, 2013 - 18:00 § in Iraq

Don’t Waste Your Bread…. Non sprecare il tuo pane…

 As-salamu alaykum! During our flight to Basrah we watched an advertisement made by Turkish Airlines against the Waste of Bread.  [...]

ottobre 4th, 2013 - 19:27 § in Restauro e conservazione

Italian Heritage Award!!!!!

 As-salamu alaykum! We are very proud to announce that the Iraqi-Italian Archaeological Mission at Abu Tbeirah won the first price for the Knowledge, Preservation and Managment of the Archaeological Heritage and also  the Grant assigned by the FIDEI SIGNA Onlus ( &[...]

ottobre 4th, 2013 - 15:17 § in Scavo e dintorni

The Visit of an Old Friend. La visita di un vecchio amico

 As-salamu alaykum! Today we had a very nice surprise in Ur. Our good friend Dr Mufid Al-Jazairi, Chairman of the Iraqi Cultural Support Association, and former Minister of Culture, came to visit us in our house of the Mission.  [...]

ottobre 1st, 2013 - 18:42 § in Scavo e dintorni

A new guest in the house… Un nuovo ospite a casa…

 As-salamu alaykum! This post is specially addressed to Jane, Robert  and all our Friends digging in Tell Khayber: we have a new guest in the house as you can see… But Abu Atheer makes us sure that he will leave very soon…  [...]